
No one expects to be injured in a car accident.

Most of the people we talk to say they are not interested in lawsuits.

But the fact remains, having a skilled car accident lawyer is what makes large insurance companies take you seriously.

But why?

Without a competent auto accident attorney, insurance companies know they can pressure you to accept less than what’s fair.

When you have been hurt, or you have lost a loved one in a crash, you deserve to have the best Houston car accident lawyer possible handle your claim for compensation.

Houston car accident attorney Scott Krist is at the top of his field.

He is well known throughout Texas and the U.S.

He is known for his passion for representing injury victims, and for his dedication to getting them the best possible financial recovery.

Some of our case results include:

  • $6,028,000 verdict for a father and daughter injured in a motorcycle-tractor trailer collision.
  • $2,500,000 recovery for a family after a fatal car accident.
  • $9,650,000 recovery for a family after a fatal helicopter crash.
  • $2,878,553 recovery for Houston airport shuttle bus passengers.
  • $1,280,000 recovery for survivors of a trucking accident.
  • $2,200,000 recovery for vehicle driver in a truck-vehicle collision.
  • $4,750,000 recovery for a woman injured in a head-on crash.

When you hire Scott Krist, you can expect to get everything you need to push through this process and obtain the best possible outcome.

You gain highly experienced Houston car accident attorneys, clear and honest communication, and an advocate at every turn.

At The Krist Law Firm, P.C., our experienced and highly successful Houston car accident lawyers provide the practical advice you need and clear guidance at every step along the way. Our personal injury law firm has years of experience providing accident victims with solid legal representation.

With Krist in your corner, you can recover all the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to set up a Free Case Evaluation.


One of the most common questions we here is “Do I really need a lawyer after an auto accident?” In most cases the answer is a very loud, “YES!”

If you walked away with only a few bumps and bruises, and all you need is your vehicle repaired or replaced, then working with insurers without a lawyer is probably fine.

going to the ER after a car accidentHowever, when the unimaginable happens and you or a loved one sustains serious injuries in a Houston car accident, it is important to know all your legal options. This simple act significantly increases the likelihood of a positive outcome to your case.

Accident Victims with Car Accident Lawyers Received Larger Payouts

In fact, Martindale-Nolo found that of the injury victims who hired lawyers, 91 % received a payout. But only 51% of injury victims who did not hire lawyers received a payout.

Having a personal injury lawyer also increases the average amount received by accident victims.

The study respondents who hired a lawyer received an average of $77,600. Those who handled things themselves only received $17,600 on average.

The insurance company won’t protect you the way our dedicated Houston car accident lawyers will.

And this could mean the difference between you getting your bills paid, the care you need, and fair compensation for all you lost – or not.

Having the right Houston car accident attorney also improves your chance of a higher settlement because we aren’t scared to negotiate.

As your attorney, we will rarely recommend accepting the first offer because it is likely much lower than what you deserve. Negotiating is one method to increase the final payout.

Martindale-Nolo’s study supported this. Respondents who negotiated their payouts received an average of $42,500 compared to those who accepted their first offers and received an average of $11,800.

background-the-krist-law-firm-pc-attorney-scott-kristAdditionally, having a lawyer for your car accident improves your chance of maximizing your payout because they are comfortable filing a lawsuit and taking cases to court.

In the study, accident victims who filed or threatened to file a lawsuit received an average of $45,500. Those who did not use the courts received, on average, $23,000.

At The Krist Law Firm, we won’t let that happen. Here are some of the ways that we help you and your family after a Houston car accident.


We’ll look at your accident from every angle and use industry experts when necessary to understand the circumstances of your accident.

12 Common Causes of Car Accidents

  • Driver Error: The cause of car crashes is a driver’s mistake. People are fallible. They make mistakes every day, including while behind the wheel. All it takes is for one person to be careless or reckless while driving. This can lead to a dangerous error that results in the crash that caused your injuries.
  • Driving Under the Influence: Drunk driving is a serious problem in Texas. In 2017, there were 23,760 crashes that involved alcohol. These includes 910 fatal DUI crashes, which resulted in 1,024 DUI fatalities. If these figures included drugged driving crashes and fatalities, they would be even higher.
  • Hazardous Roads: In some areas of Texas, drivers encounter dangerous roads. These roads may be hazardous due to their design, being in poor condition, bad weather, or because of lacking appropriate control devices.
  • Defective Equipment: It is dangerous to drive around in a poorly defective vehicle. Unfortunately, the driver may not know that their vehicle has a defective part or design. Another reason why a thorough car accident investigation is critical to your case.
  • Distracted Driving: An issue that has come to the fore in recent years is distracted driving. When someone is behind the wheel, they should not be on their phone, eating, doing their hair, reading, or any other activity that takes their attention away from driving. However, drivers try to multitask anyway and cause crashes.
  • Speeding: Drivers are supposed to follow a speed limit for a reason. Speed limits are dictated by what is a safe speed for that particular area. Driving faster than this increases the risk of an accident. Yet people do it anyway. Some drivers speed excessively, drastically increasing the chance of a crash and fatalities.
  • Low Speeds: You may assume that vehicles moving at excessive speeds is the problem. However, drivers moving overly slow and impeding the flow of traffic are also dangerous. Vehicles moving too slow for the road can lead to vehicle accidents.
  • Reckless Driving: Reckless driving is worse than simple carelessness behind the wheel. When someone is driving recklessly, they are intentionally making maneuvers that they know could cause an accident and harm someone else.
  • Aggressive Driving: Some drivers not only act recklessly behind the wheel, they also become aggressive. They may excessively speed, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, ignore traffic devices, and violate other rules of the road. This can also escalate to road rage, which increases the risk of a crash.
  • Teen Drivers: The more experienced a driver, typically the less likely they are to cause an accident. New drivers, who are usually teenagers, do not have enough life or driving experience to avoid making common driver errors. They are much more likely to take risks and cause an accident.
  • Drivers Over 65: Elderly drivers are typically well experienced and safe drivers. However, a variety of conditions associated with age can make it inappropriate for someone over 65 to get behind the wheel. Older drivers may suffer from vision loss, muscle weakness, and memory impairments that make it more likely for them to be in a collision.
  • Work Zone Accidents: Areas under construction pose particular hazards to travelers. Lanes may not be even, there may be no shoulders on the road, and there may be sudden drop-offs where a shoulder should be. There may be traffic cones and signs in between or on the sides of lanes. There may be equipment and workers nearby. There may be odd mergers and lane shifts. All of these factors require drivers to proceed slowly and with caution or they risk causing a crash.

Once we have the facts of the accident and the know the extent of your injuries, our lawyers will evaluate your claim. This will include your insurance policy and insurance coverage. From that point on we can advise you honestly and clearly.


Often, car accident victims falsely believe that their injuries are minor or do not warrant medical attention. Let us arrange for a thorough medical exam from a qualified medical professional to fully assess your injuries and any ongoing effects on your health.

The insurance company only wants to pay the bare minimum of your health care.

We’re here to ensure everything is covered, from the tests to prescription medications, physical therapy, and any medical care you’ll need in the future.

Injuries You May Have Suffered in a Texas Car Accident

  • Broken Bones: You may suffer from one or multiple simple or complex fractures. The simplest broken bones require being set, a cast, pain medication, and time to heal. However, more complex breaks can require surgery, a long period of rest, and physical rehabilitation. They can be very physically painful.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: You may experience muscle, ligament, and tendon strains or sprains. If it is a minor injury, you can recover with rest and time.However, if a muscle, tendon, or ligament tears, then you may need surgery. You may have a physical limitation the rest of your life.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Motor vehicle accidents often result in concussions and more serious traumatic brain injuries. These crashes can also lead to skull fractures and injuries that penetrate your skull into your brain. Many head and traumatic brain injuries have long-term or permanent consequences.
  • Neck and Back Injuries: You may experience many types of injuries to your neck and back after an accident, including herniated disks, slipped disks, fractured or crushed vertebrae, and soft tissue injuries. These can be very painful and debilitating.
  • Spinal Injuries: Your spinal cord may be damaged in a crash. If it is fully severed, you will be paralyzed from the injury site down. If it is partially severed, you may experience a unique combination of loss of sensation, loss of motor control, loss of bladder and bowel control, and sexual dysfunction.
  • Burn Injuries: If your vehicle or the surroundings caught fire during the crash, you may suffer from serious burns. These are very painful to recover from, and they may require many surgeries to heal and improve your appearance and mobility



Insurance is a billion-dollar industry where companies fight for profit and their own interests, not for justice or fair play. It may seem like they hold all the cards.

Their goal is not to help you and other accident victims. It is to make a profit.

They increase their earnings by denying claims and limiting payouts. This is a strong incentive for the insurer to fight back against your claim whenever it can.

Insurance companies are legally required to evaluate a claim and make a fair offer of settlement.

However, if your claim is denied or you receive a low-ball settlement offer, the driver’s insurance company may be acting in bad faith. That does not mean they do.

Many insurers are guilty of bad faith insurance practices, such as failing to properly and promptly investigate claims, unreasonably delaying the claims process, wrongly denying claims, and refusing to participate in good faith negotiations.

The wrongful denial of an insurance claim can result in additional compensation from the insurance company.

Because of the risk of bad faith insurance practices, and simply because of the red tape and hurdles you will face obtaining compensation, you should have a car accident lawyer represent you during the insurance claim process.

The insurer is also likely to have a team of lawyers that helps it deny claims, push for low settlements, and in extreme cases, uphold unethical practices.

At The Krist Law Firm, P.C., we use our decades of experience and real courtroom skill to hold the insurance company accountable.

You do not have to work alone or directly with the insurer.

You have the right to hire a Houston car injury lawyer and to have your attorney communicate with the company. All phone calls, letters, and documents go directly to your attorney, giving you fewer things to worry about.

Another aspect of the insurance claim you will need to participate in is making a statement.

The at-fault driver or vehicle operator’s insurer may ask you to make a formal statement regarding what happened.

By having a lawyer on your side, you can carefully prepare for this statement, which you may give in writing or in person. Your lawyer will help you practice giving a truthful statement that does not accidentally implicate you.

Keep in mind, insurers often appear to cooperate with you and your legal team. You may think the process is going smoothly until you receive the insurance company’s findings.

There may be multiple factors you disagree with, such as your vehicle’s value, your injuries, and your economic and non-economic losses.

You need to be prepared to dispute an insurance adjuster’s conclusions. Every factor can impact your final settlement. You may not be prepared to argue these issues yourself. However, your car accident lawyer is.


Even though most car accident claims reach a settlement, we prepare every case for court.



This puts the insurer on notice and lets us collect all the evidence we need to prove negligence and liability.

We do this because car accident injuries and their costs tend to be more long-term and substantial than most think.

And our car crash lawyers want to make sure you get everything you’re entitled to by law.

This is not limited to your various medical bills and vehicle damage but also includes your lost wages and the pain and suffering you endured.

Ready to get your Houston car accident claim started? Contact Krist online or call 443-234-0423 for a free, no obligation consult.


Our team will always be clear about your legal options, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. We guide you through the car accident claims process and communicate with you on a regular basis to make sure you always know what is going on with your case.

We are proud to provide client-focused and detailed attention on every case we take on. This has enabled us to obtain a strong track record of success.


At The Krist Law Firm, P.C., we understand that not all car crashes are the same. From parking lots to highways and rural roads, there are multiple factors and elements that can contribute to a collision.

When you are hurt in any type of accident, it is important to work with an attorney who knows how to handle that type of crash.


There may be any number of complications that come up. But, our team has seen and done it all. By being prepared for everything, our clients usually see faster results for higher amounts.

Whatever your specific circumstances or injuries, at The Krist Law Firm, P.C., our Houston car accident lawyers have extensive experience investigating a wide variety of car accident types, including:

  • Head-On Collisions: When the front of two vehicles directly collide.
  • Rear-End Collisions: When the front end of one vehicle collides with the back of another vehicle.
  • T-Bone Accidents: When the front end of one vehicle collides with the side of another vehicle.
  • Side Impact Accidents: When the side of one vehicle collides with or scrapes along the side of another vehicle.
  • Intersection Accidents: When two or more vehicles collide in an intersection.
  • Left-Turn Accidents: When a collision occurs due to an inappropriate left turn.
  • Rollover Collisions: When one or more vehicles rolls onto its due to a crash.
  • Departures From the Road: When one or more vehicles leaves the road because of a collision.
  • Attempted Pass Accidents: A vehicle accident is the result of one vehicle attempting to pass another and not properly and safely completing the maneuver.
  • Diagonal Parking Accidents: When an accident takes place in a parking lot or street involving diagonal parking spaces.
  • Hit & Run Accidents: When a vehicle involved in a crash does not stop and remain at the scene as is required by Texas law.
  • Drunk Driving Accidents: When at least one vehicle driver involved in a crash is intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
  • Distracted Driving Accidents: When an auto accident is the result of a driver’s manual, visual, or cognitive distraction.
  • Uber and Rideshare Accidents: When a car wreck involves an Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare vehicle.
  • Fatal Car Accidents: When at least one individual passes away as the result of a collision.

Understanding The Car Accident Claim Process (Houston, TX)

Phase 1: The Accident

The car accident process begins when someone’s negligence leads to a collision involving your vehicle.

Phase 2: Medical Care

After an accident, you need to see a doctor.

You need to be fully examined to ensure all of your injuries are diagnosed and treated.You may have been taken to the emergency room at Memorial Heights Emergency Center or Houston Methodist Hospital right after the crash.

Or, you may have remained at the scene. If so, you should see a physician as soon as possible. Even if you think you are fine, a doctor may notice signs of an injury, such as a concussion.

Phase 3: The Police Report and Notification

Crashes that causes property damage, bodily injuries, or fatalities need to be reported to the police.If you were able to remain at the crash site, then you would have given the police your statement.

The next step is to obtain a copy of the crash report.

However, if you were taken to the ER right away, then they may come to the hospital for your statement. If you have not provided a statement yet, you may contact a lawyer first. Once you are able to, you should notify your insurer of the accident and your injuries. This is an important part of filing a claim for compensation.

Phase 4: Vehicle Repairs

A motor vehicle accident can cause your vehicle damage that needs to repair or more serious damage that would cost more to repair than to replace the vehicle.

At The Krist law Firm, P.C., we know how important your car is. You and your family need it to get around every day.

We will help you get your vehicle repaired or replaced as soon as possible. If you need a rental car during this time, we will add this expense into your losses and fight for you to be compensated for it.

Phase 5: Phone Calls, Paperwork, Requests for Information

Many car accident victims are shocked by how much paperwork and how many phone calls they are expected to deal with.

However, you do not have to handle these aspects of an insurance claim yourself.

When you hire us to represent you, we take over direct communication with the insurer. We will handle all of the paperwork, phone calls, questions, and requests for information or documentation.

Phase 6: Settlement Offer or Denied Claim

After the insurer investigates and analyzes your claim, they must either deny your claim in writing or make a first settlement offer.

If the insurer denies your claim, it must provide an explanation in writing.

We will carefully review this explanation and discuss with you the option to appeal or move forward with a personal injury lawsuit.

If the insurer makes a settlement offer, we will review whether it is a fair amount or not. Many first offers are very low, and in all likelihood.

Phase 7: Settlement Negotiations

We will enter into negotiations by demanding that you receive the maximum compensation for your economic and non-economic losses.

You may be nervous about negotiations.

What if they backfire?

Our car accident attorneys at The Krist Law Firm, P.C. are highly experienced in dealing with insurers and negotiations. We know what we are doing. Let us fight hard for you to receive as much compensation as possible.

Phase 8: Settle or Go to Trial

Negotiations will either lead to a final resolution or breakdown.

If settlement negotiations with the insurer breakdown and we cannot resolve your case out of court, then we will prepare for trial.

We are skilled and experienced litigators. We are not afraid of going up against an insurer in court.

We will prepare to present a strong case before a judge and jury, and we will be aggressive in pursuing a verdict in your favor.

During this time, you will not pay us. We do not ask for hourly fees. You will only pay us if we win you a settlement or court ruling.

Frequently Asked Questions About Car Accidents (FAQs)

How is fault determined after an accident?

An insurer or court will determine fault by analyzing which river acted negligently or recklessly, resulting in the accident. Fault may be supported or proven by the other driving violating a Texas traffic law or local traffic ordinance.

What if the other driver isn’t insured or is underinsured?

If the at-fault driver is not insured, was a hit-and-run driver, or lacks enough insurance to cover your losses, you may have a few options.

If you purchased uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage, then your own policy may help you.

Or, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver. If the judge or jury rules in your favor, the driver will be personally liable for compensating you. Learn more how our Houston uninsured motorist lawyers can help you.

Should I seek medical attention even if I’m not visibly injured?

Yes. You should also see a physician after an accident.

You may be suffering from injuries that you cannot see, such as a concussion.

Or, you may be suffering from injuries that will not present symptoms for days or weeks, such as whiplash, after the crash.

By seeing a doctor, your injuries may be discovered as soon as possible and create medical records that will help build your car accident claim.

What kind of financial compensation can I recover?

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to receive compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, reduced earning capacity, physical pain, mental anguish, disability, physical limitation, and loss of consortium.

Do I need a car accident attorney to file a claim?

Technically, you do not need a car accident lawyer to pursue an insurance claim or file a personal injury lawsuit. However, you may not know the proper procedures surrounding these processes. An experienced car accident lawyer will know what to do and will make sure your claim avoids common mistakes.

What if I am unable to work due to my injuries?

If you cannot work because of your injuries, whether this may last for weeks, months or forever, call a personal injury attorney right away. When you cannot work, a lawyer will strive to obtain compensation for your lost wages and diminished earning potential.

How much does hiring a personal injury lawyer cost?

At The Krist Law Firm, P.C., we work on a contingency fee basis. We do to require a retainer, other upfront fees, or hourly fees. You only pay us if we obtain you a financial recovery. Call us today at 281-283-8500 to learn more about our contingency fee.

How long does the legal process take?

The duration of the personal injury claim process varies for each case.

We may be able to resolve your case in as few as six months. The timeframe of any legal action depends on the details of the case. In a complicated motor vehicle accident, it could take over a year for us to obtain you a recovery.

What Should You Do After an Accident?

As car accident lawyers in Houston, TX, we know all too well that a crash can change someone’s life. Even minor car crashes can become incredibly complicated if one of the parties is injured or not properly insured. While no one intends on being involved in an auto accident, you should know how to effectively deal with the situation.

After a car wreck, you are required to:

Stop at the Scene of an Accident. If you are involved in a car wreck, you are required to stop your car and remain at the scene until all personal information is exchanged. You are also required to check on the well being of others involved in the accident and call emergency services, if necessary. If you do not stop after a car crash, you could be charged with a crime.

Exchange Information. After you stop at the scene of an accident, you are required to provide your name, address, and vehicle registration number to the other driver. You should also exchange insurance information and show your driver’s license if requested.

Report the Crash. Texas law requires that a Crash Report be filed with TxDOT when any accident occurs that results in injury or death, or when property damage is more than $1,000.

If you call the police to the accident scene, they will likely complete the accident report; however, if not, you are required to file a CR-2 form.

You also should:

  • Document the Scene. Use your phone to take pictures and video of the damaged vehicles and surroundings.
  • Gather Witness’s Information. In addition to exchanging information with the other driver, you should ask for the names and contact information of witnesses to the crash.
  • Notify Your Insurer. As soon as possible, tell your auto insurer that you were in a crash. If you do not have an insurer, you may notify the other driver’s insurer directly. However, be very careful when speaking with the insurance adjuster. Do not admit fault or apologize. Say as little as you can before hiring a lawyer to handle the insurance claim.
  • Call a Car Accident Lawyer: You should take this time to focus on your health. You do not need to spend weeks or months arguing with an insurer. Let us do that.

Will My Car Accident Settlement Be Part of the Public Record?

Our team of Houston car accident lawyers at The Krist Law Firm, P.C. can help you keep your settlement private.

You may be concerned with whether your settlement will be part of the public record. We understand the importance of maintaining your privacy, particularly during such a sensitive time. You do not want your relatives, coworkers, and strangers to know more about your legal claim and settlement than you will discuss.

Settlements made during personal injury lawsuits are part of the public record. All court rulings, whether made by a jury or a judge, and other documents presented in your case are available to the public.

However, by working with the right auto accident lawyer in Houston, TX, you can ask for the settlement to be made confidential. If you settle your claim outside of court, then all of the terms of your settlement, including the final amount, are private.

Statute of Limitations After a Houston Auto Accident (State of Texas)

Every state limits the amount of time you have to file certain kinds of lawsuits. In Texas, you have two years from the date of your injuries to file a personal injury case.

After two years from the date of your accident has passed, you could file a lawsuit, but it would almost certainly be dismissed. After two years, the courts will not help you.

The two-year statute of limitations applies to lawsuits seeking compensation for:

  • Property Damage – The two-year window begins on the date of the damage sustained in your road traffic accident.
  • Physical Injuries – You have to sue within two years of your injury. An exception to this rule allows the two years to begin running on the date when you discovered the physical injury, or when you reasonably should have been expected to discover the injury.

Don’t Wait to Call a Lawyer

If you were recently injured in a car wreck, you may feel as though two years is a long time to file a lawsuit. However, it’s absolutely critical that you do not delay in speaking with a lawyer if you want to seek compensation from a negligent party.

Road accident claims require research and negotiations before they can be filed. Your lawyer will need to build a strong case that takes into consideration every detail that is relevant to proving liability in your car wreck. A skilled car crash lawyer will review the following pieces of evidence before being able to file your claim:

  • Witness testimony
  • Maintenance records and driver logs
  • Police reports
  • Medical reports
  • Photo and video records of the accident and aftermath
  • Accident reconstruction data
  • Manufacturing records and auto industry reports

Before filing a lawsuit, your accident attorney will negotiate for a settlement with the responsible party’s insurance provider.

If you’re not offered an acceptable settlement, a lawsuit can be filed. You cannot rush to file a lawsuit in order to beat the statute of limitations.

If this is done, the court will notice that your side is not prepared for litigation, and this can result in your case being dismissed. Courts also expect parties to take a reasonable amount of time negotiating a settlement before they begin the costly process of taking their case to court.

Limitations in Fatal Accidents

If your loved one passed away after an auto crash, you may be able to seek compensation from the responsible party by filing a wrongful death action. Wrongful death suits are also subject to a two-year statute of limitations.

However, the two years in these claims generally begins on the date of the victim’s death, and this is often a later date than when their accident occurred.

Determining exactly how a person died is often complicated, and experienced wrongful death lawyers will understand how the state’s statute of limitations will apply to the death of your loved one.

Possible Exceptions

However, there are possible exceptions to the Texas statute of limitations. A common example is the discovery rule. The clock may not begin to run on the day of your accident if you did not know you suffered injuries that day or if you were reasonably unaware of another party’s negligence.

Under the discovery rule, the two-year period does not begin until you know or reasonably should know of your injuries and the other party’s fault.

Another exception is if you were a minor at the time of the accident. If you were under 18 years old, and your parent or guardian did not file a lawsuit for you, then you have time after your 18th birthday to file.

However, you should speak with a car accident lawyer as soon as you can. It is better to bring a car accident lawsuit soon after a crash when evidence is fresh and available. Waiting years until you are an adult can make it harder to prove your case and receive appropriate compensation for your accident.

Two other possible exceptions to the personal injury statute of limitations is the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act (SSCRA) and if the negligent driver fled the state. Under the SSCRA, your time being deployed and other instances of active duty do not count toward the two-year period.

Contact The Krist Law Firm, P.C. to Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Please do not hesitate to call the Houston car accident lawyers at The Krist Law Firm, P.C. Our car accident attorneys will be happy to help you learn more about your rights. We are here to make this situation easier on you and your family. You can use our online form or call 281-283-8500 to schedule your free consultation.

“One thing that I’ll tell you about Scott is that he’s going to fight for you. Bottom line. You know, my nickname for Scott is “the Bulldog.” He told me from the very beginning, “I’m to worry about your financial health. You worry about your physical health” — and that’s what he did.